Fanny Valeyre

Fanny Valeyre

Postdoctoral Researcher, Philosophy

Fanny Valeyre is a post-doctoral researcher in philosophy at the Space Chair and at the Chair in Geopolitics of Risk. Her work focuses on the relationships between humans and outer space from a "techno-aesthetic" perspective, initiated by the philosopher Gilbert Simondon, emphasizing its ecological and ethical components. Through examining technologies, she questions the cognitive, perceptive, ethical, and imaginative dimensions of contemporary human interactions with outer space. This also implies thinking about the perceptibility and representations of the Earth as a planet and the care of its habitability.

She is agrégée and received her PhD in philosophy from Sorbonne Université (2022). In her doctoral thesis, she studied the Greek concept of phúsis (‘nature’) on the basis of its interpretations by Heidegger and in the philological sciences. She has also worked as a scientific assistant at Freiburg University, Germany.

Her main research interests are the connection between physics and metaphysics, the philosophy of technology, and the relationship between philosophy and literature, particularly science-fiction.

Project : 

Une techno-esthétique spatiale

A spatial techno-aesthetics: Outer space as a domain to question the relationship between technology and culture

Contact: fanny.valeyre[at]

